4) preschool curriculum 学前课程 1. Today,preschool curriculumis remote from children s life in some aspects:curriculum aim,curriculum contents,curriculum effect and curriculum evaluation. 当前的学前课程在课程目标、课程内容、课程实施和课程评价等方面都疏离了儿童的生活。
蒙式课程体现“工作”而非“游戏”,所以不是一套游戏课程(play-based curriculum), 该课程关注儿童的组织能力,因此像角色扮演或者在错误中提升小朋友创造力的活动较少。尽管该课程也像理论家Piaget一样认训儿童在错误中学习,但是在该环境下体现的方式是不同的。蒙式教具具有教学及自我纠错的功能,也并不是大人直接...
A. Epstein, Essentials of active learning in preschool: Getting to know the High/Scope curriculum. High/Scope Pr, 2007.Epstein,Ann S.Essentials of Active Learning in Preschool:get ting to know the high/scope curriculum.Journal of Women s Health. 2007...
alyzingthesimilaritiesanddifferencesoftheabovetwomodels. Keywords:preschoolcurriculummodel;Reggiocurriculummodel;HighScopeCurriculumModel ClassNo.:G610 DocumentMark:A (责任编辑:宋瑞斌) ・ 11 ・ 第7 期 国外学前课程模式对我国学前课程设置的启示———以瑞吉欧课程模式和highscope 课程模式为例 2014年 相关...
Abstract: In the world today, there are three most famous curriculums in preschool education.The Montessori curriculum has began to be involved in China’s mainstream education, while the Reggio curriculum and Waldorf curriculum are still in the first step.This article will introduce and compare th...
Sandy HighScope Preschool is located at Living Way Fellowship Church in Sandy, Oregon. The preschool and Kindergarten supports active learning, a research based curriculum and certified teacher in early childhood and eementary education, with a bachelors
Developmentally appropriate public school preschool: A study of implementation of the high/scope curriculum and its effects on disadvantaged children's ski... S. (1992). Developmentally appropriate public school preschool: A study of implementation of the High/Scope curriculum and its effects on ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook H/S (redirected fromHigh/Scope) Wikipedia AcronymDefinition H/SHardware/Software H/SHeat Shield H/SHigh/Scope(Educational Research Foundation; Ypsilanti, MI) H/SHashrate per Second(cryptocurrency mining) H/SHelper/Suppressor Ratio ...
Northern Virginia Childcare & Preschool Teddy Bear Day Care Highscope curriculum Enroll your child in Northern Virginia's premier daycare and preschool. Offering HighScope curriculum for optimal child development.