Highschool of the Dead is set in the present day, beginning as the world is struck by a deadly pandemic that turns humans into zombies, euphemistically referred to by the main characters as "them" since they are no longer considered human. The story follows a group of high school students...
Highschool of the Dead is set in the present day, beginning as the world is struck by a deadly pandemic that turns humans into zombies, euphemistically referred to by the main characters as "them" since they are no longer considered human. The story follows a group of high school students...
High School of the Dead Aziende produttrici Madhouse AT-X Geneon Universal Entertainment Vedi altri crediti dell’azienda su IMDbPro Specifiche tecniche Modifica Tempo di esecuzione 24minuti Colore Color Notizie correlate “I look over and she’s sobbing”: A Mystery Dcu Actress Cried After James...
Also ranks #17 on The Best Movies For Date Night 9 Dazed and Confused Jason London, Wiley Wiggins, Sasha Jenson 460 votes Set on the last day of school in 1976, this ensemble cast captures the freedom, recklessness, and sheer fun of being young. With memorable characters and a k...
Also ranks #17 on The Best Movies For Date Night 9 Dazed and Confused Jason London, Wiley Wiggins, Sasha Jenson 463 votes Set on the last day of school in 1976, this ensemble cast captures the freedom, recklessness, and sheer fun of being young. With memorable characters and a ...
The characters are all unique and interesting in a way that makes it easy to keep track of what everyone is up to. The historical backdrop is so important to the story too, with race, gender, and socioeconomic issues always playing a part in everything around them. Many parallels can ...
It's the movie this one has been most compared to, unfavourably, although the two are nothing alike. "Brick" was a film of dead weight, a leaden "drama" with aged and dreary characters and a story meant to confuse and depress you. It was a gangly, nearly incomprehensible movie that's...
The pheromone levels are high as we see lots of feelings in this episode – some of them real, fake, and some in between. Despite the despicable nature of certain characters, we’re given reasons to care for and sympathize with them. We’re reminded that everyone has their own struggles,...
2. What does the woman suggest?A. Focusing on characters' life.B. Practicing writing dialogue.C. Looking for effective tools.3.How does the woman sound?A. Confident. B. Anxious. C. Bored.4. Where are the two sp...
I told them they could submit something to me and I would decide if it was helpful to you all. I never do guest posts because they are all about advertising, but I’m giving this to you because I really have heard from so many that you have the goal of becoming a nurse, and so ...