The article offers tips on choosing one's thoughts and emotions to be released and reinforced. The choices being made significantly impact the way a person experiences the present as well as his future. One has the freedom to ...
🌟 Life is a tapestry of highs and lows, of laughter that fills the room and tears that gently pool. In the maze of life’s complex issues, it’s the pursuit of a silver lining that knits us together ...
People who are able to effectively go through the highs and lows of life have what is called resilience(坚韧), or the ability to effectively recover from adversity(逆境). Whenever you come across a difficult situation, you have two choices: you can either let your emotions get the best of...
louAs the end of 2022 approaches, it's natural to reflect on the year, and all that has happened. This year has been a rollercoaster of emotions from the highs and lows, the joys and struggles, the laughter and tears. As we take stock of all that has happened, it's easy to feel ...
People who are able to effectively go through the highs and lows of life have what is called resilience(坚韧) or the ability to effectively recover from adversity(逆境). Whenever you come across a difficult situation you have two choices: you can either let your emotions ...
With less than a week left before President-electDonald Trumptakes office, emotions are running high for the Obama family. As President Barack Obama lives out the final days of his second term, he's reflecting on the highs and lows, the groundbreaking accomplishments and the unbearable disappoint...
().Whenever you com e across a difficult situ ation, you hav e two choices: you can either let your emotions get th e best of you and b e defe ated by fear, or you can uplift yourself from th e negatir e and chang e pain into possibility,I think lif e is lik e a roller-...
and lower lows than most people, Moonchild. That's because you are so sensitive. You are ruled by the moody Moon, and you feel everything. You are empathic, too, so you also feel and are sensitive to the emotions of others - both good and bad. And when things don't go p[...
1. Use gentle awareness and be really honest with yourself. When you notice you are feeling less-than-great (just less-than-great for your first few times, not terrible), get curious about what you are really sensing. Feel your emotions. Notice what physical sensations are there. Do you ...
We all need good friends during the highs and lows of our lives. I’m thankful for KC, even though he should know me well enough to realize I don’t like mustard on my hot dog. Who is a close friend who has been there for you in your highs and lows? Go ahead … share the sto...