Title: Highs & Lows By: Hillsong Young & Free Instruments: Voice, range: Bb3-Bb5 C Instrument Scorings: Leadsheet Lyrics/Melody/Chords Original Published Key: Bb Major Product Type: Musicnotes Product #: MN0185464 Price: $3.99 Includes 1 print + interactive copy with lifetime...
BG: Jehnny had books of lyrics. I had one line forYour Heart Will Always Be Broken, but I also had the melody forRemember We Were Loversand I had chords, so I kind of cheated a little. I just started singing one day. Jehnny started singing the chorus, I played different chords and ...
SS: “We grew up in an era where there was stadium rock and we couldn’t stand it. Living in Queens we were only a few stops on the subway from Manhattan but if you know the area that is a lifetime of travel time to get there. We were getting bored with the scene and used to...