微博@固执的DANIEL你是高敏感人群吗?(Highly Sensitive Person)心理学家调查发现,全球高敏感人群高达15%~20%,即每五个人中就有一个人是高敏感人格。高敏感人群由于大脑过于活跃,所以往往需要充足的睡眠补充能量,睡眠不足容易烦躁。, 视频播放量 1.2万播放、弹幕量 1
高敏感并不一定是内向的,高敏感人群中有30%的人是外向的并善于社交 据说双相情感障碍很多是高敏感,可以瞅瞅我总结另一篇文章。 羊说羊知道:双相情感障碍117 赞同 · 19 评论文章
这个叫HSP(Highly Sensitive Person),翻译成中文是“高敏感型人群”。这一概念由美国心理学家伊莱恩·阿伦博士在其著作中首次正式提出。据说每5个人中就有1人是高敏感人群。HSP不是一种疾病,而是心理学研究中使用的词语,指的是一个人天生的秉性气质(但也会受到精神创伤的诱发)。高敏感人群的五大感官极其敏锐,容易...
《The Highly Sensitive Person 天生敏感 如何面对外界压力 伊莱恩· 阿伦 英文原版》,作者:The Highly Sensitive Person 天生敏感 如何面对外界压力 伊莱恩· 阿伦 英文原版Aron, 著,出版社:Thorsons,ISBN:9780008244309。
Dear Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) …or anyone raising a highly sensitive child (HSC), Welcome. I’m Elaine Aron. I began researching high sensitivity in 1991 and continue to do research on it now, also calling it Sensory-Processing Sensitivity (SPS, the trait’s scientific term). I never...
A Highly Sensitive Persons Website for Shy, Intuitive, Spiritual HSP People, Network, Health, Books, Service Directory, Articles, Story, Attributes
The highly sensitive person – How to thrive when the world overwhelms you by Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D. 测评:看看你是否属于高度敏感人群 (HSP) Chapter 1 You belong to a group (HSP) that has often demonstratedgreat creativity, insight, passion, and caring. HSPs tend to be visionaries, highly...
I can help you thrive as a Highly Sensitive Person. If you’re feeling stuck, I can help you find your way! I provide HSP Coaching through e-mail consultation, which is a great option for highly sensitive people. I’ll ask you questions about yourself and what you’d like to accomplish...
Dr. Benor is a highly gifted psychotherapist and healer. His wholistic approach to understanding, diagnosing, and treating the highly sensitive person is masterful. Dr. Benor offers in-sight into the dynamics affecting not only the highly sensitive person but those in relationship with HSPs. Dr. ...
Highly sensitive personHyperandrogenismHyperinsulinemiaPolycystic ovary syndromeSensory processing sensitivityThe title of this article refers to a variation on human temperament and sensory processing—an overarching kind of sensitivity called sensory processing sensiti...