&ey also timed how long it took the numbers to register. A sensory panel evaluated how easy it was to use each monitor. Several were rated Excellent for accuracy, including two wrist models, the first of that type that we've recommended. 展开 年份: 2011 ...
Our AuNWs-based pressure sensors are wearable and could be used to monitor the blood pressure of a human radial artery in real-time (Fig. 6a, Supplementary Fig. 12a and Supplementary Movie 2). The wrist pulses could be read out accurately under both normal condition (B66 beats per minute)...
There was considerable dedicated training particularly for the myoelectric arm, including a number of full day workshops for prosthetic use hosted by Balgrist TecFootnote7. There was physiotherapist initiated home training, whereas whole areas - kitchen, laundry zones, garden work, car washing - were ...