Disentangling the relative roles of environmental filtering and spatial processes in structuring ecological communities is a central topic in metacommunity ecology. Metacommunity ecology in the temperate river ecosystems has been well developed, while less attention has been paid to subtropical urban river ...
The reservation price or maximum price paid, i.e., the highest effort that the animals complete, is an additional way of estimating the value that the animal attaches to the resource3. By relying on decision making (the choice of working or not working for the resource), these measures of...
1). The top four preferred destination countries by survey respondents were the USA, Canada, Australia, and the UK. Among those who said that they contemplated working abroad, 90% indicated that they planned to work as health professionals in the country to which they intend to move. Fig. ...
The aim of this paper is to answer the question of what factors lead to an increase in perceived discrimination in the workplace among highly educated Latvian women abroad. Although highly educated migrant women are privileged with regard to education, n
Farmers had to contribute to dike construction costs in an amount based on their land size, to be paid in annual installments over three years—though they could not yet be sure of the success of a potential third cropping season. Dike construction also meant that farmers had to give up ...
Moreover, few interregional migration studies have paid significant attention to the interdependence of individual and regional characteristics and migratory behavior. Both individual and family characteristics, as well as those of the origin and destination regions can influence the likelihood of migration....
Moreover, few interregional migration studies have paid significant attention to the interdependence of individual and regional characteristics and migratory behavior. Both individual and family characteristics, as well as those of the origin and destination regions can influence the likelihood of migration....