2024年3月27日,爱思唯尔 (Elsevier) 重磅发布2023“中国高被引学者” (Highly Cited Chinese Researchers) 榜单。此榜单以全球权威的引文与索引数据库Scopus作为中国学者科研成果的统计来源,采用上海软科教育信息咨询有限公司开发的方法。爱思唯尔发布“中国高被引学者”榜单, 不仅致力于系统性地展示中国科研领域的人...
2024年3月27日,爱思唯尔(Elsevier) 正式发布2023“中国高被引学者”(Highly Cited Chinese Researchers)榜单。本次上榜共计5801人, 来自496所高校、企业及科研机构,覆盖了10个教育部学科领域中的84门一级学科,其中化学领域446人上榜,是高被引学者人数最多的学科。 2023“中国高被引学者”榜单 (Highly Cited Chine...
2024年3月27日,爱思唯尔 (Elsevier) 重磅发布2023“中国高被引学者” (Highly Cited Chinese Researchers) 榜单。2023“中国高被引学者”上榜共计5801人,来自496所高校、企业及科研机构,覆盖了教育部10个学科领域、84个一级学科。(图片来源:爱思唯尔)从细分领域来看,工学、理学、医学位列入选人数前三名,...
2024年3月27日,爱思唯尔(Elsevier) 正式发布2023“中国高被引学者”(Highly Cited Chinese Researchers)榜单。本次上榜共计5801人, 来自496所高校、企业及科研机构,覆盖了10个教育部学科领域中的84门一级学科,其中化学领域446人上榜,是高被引学者人数最多的学科。 2023“中国高被引学者”榜单 (Highly Cited Chine...
3月27日,爱思唯尔(Elsevier)发布了2023“中国高被引学者”(Highly Cited Chinese Researchers))榜单。我校中药学学科陈士林院士、彭成教授,中医学学科梁繁荣教授、赵凌教授,生物学学科陈伟教授5名学者入选。 中国高被引学者(Highly Cited Chinese Researchers)榜单以引文与索引数据库Scopus作为统计来源,计量以第一作者或...
3月27日,爱思唯尔(Elsevier)2023“中国高被引学者”(Highly Cited Chinese Researchers)榜单正式发布,我院黄真教授、文桂林教授入选机械工程学科“中国高被引学者”,其中黄真教授已连续3年入选。 该榜单以全球领先的信息分析公司爱思唯尔(Elsevi...
On March 27, 2024, Elsevier released its "Highly Cited Chinese Researchers" list for 2023. This compilation relies on Scopus, the world's premier citation and index database, as the primary statistical source for evaluating the scientific research achievements of...
ElsevierSustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy. Perhaps it is because of valuable editorial recommendations given by Senthil Kumar to the right and left, his tortured output is indeed highly cited, and citations are therefore well-visible on theFeet of Claytab of Guillaume Cabanac’s Problematic Paper ...
We are pleased to announce that the following Editorial Board and Topic Board members have been selected as the 2020 Highly Cited Chinese Researchers (released by Elsevier). We want to extend our sincerest congratulations to them. We also would like to acknowledge the professional support and valua...
Cited Reference Count:21 Abstract:In the paper, by virtue of some properties for the Riemann zeta function, the author finds a double inequality for the ratio of two non-zero neighbouring Bernoulli numbers and analyses the approximating accuracy of the double inequality. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V....