Shortening phrases, simplifying vocabulary, eliminating redundant words and using the active voice will help with observing word and character limits, and replacing long words with shorter synonyms will also help with the latter. These are good writing strategies when addressing a wide or general ...
not been comprehensively assessed. Therefore, conservation science and practice has typically relied on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List categories and distributions of the other three tetrapod classes to
{TARGET_NOUN_ID}', self.roomsContainingNounWithId('${SOURCE_NOUN_ID}')[0]['id']) if self.nounWithId('${TARGET_NOUN_ID}')['big'] == 'false' else self.sendNotificationToNoun('You can\\'t pick that up!', self.nounWithId('${SOURCE_NOUN_ID}'))", "synonyms": [ "get", "...