highlights for review 过去的一年是特殊的一年,疫情让我们的生活发生了巨大的变化,同时也给我们带来了机遇和挑战。我们回顾这一年来发生的事情,通过对这些事情进行深入的思考、推敲和评论,来检视其中的规律性,以此帮助我们更好地把握未来的发展方向。 首先,今年的疫情问题严峻,尤其是在全球范围内,病毒的蔓延让许多国家...
highlights 意思是精采文献选辑,相当于汉语的“集锦”或“集萃”for review 指为重新仔细阅读而编选的 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答 相似问题 论文评审意见怎么写 a review for a test 怎么写book review 特别推荐 热点考点 2022年高考真题试卷汇总 2022年高中期中试卷汇总 2022年高中期末试卷汇总 ...
论文题目 The highlights of the paper are: . . Comparing the performance of the state-of-the-art models with the proposed 。。。 model.
highlights(for review)是什么意思?作者 hailong_来源: 小木虫 300 6 举报帖子 +关注 highlights(for review)是什么意思? 请大家指点,谢谢! 返回小木虫查看更多分享至: 更多 今日热帖求大佬解答,op... Sci引文疑问 PNAS投稿状态... 机械工程学报 编... Matter即时... 请问投稿系统中 ... nature c... ...
集锦回顾 highlight 是划出重点的意思;review是回顾复习的意思
Highlights40forreview41-ORBiHome 系统标签: orbihighlightsnanowirereviewconductivehome SILVERNANOWIRENETWORKS:PHYSICALPROPERTIESANDPOTENTIALINTEGRATIONINSOLARCELLSHighlights:Keywords:silver;nanowires;transparentconductiveelectrodes;photovoltaics;percolationAcomparisonofdifferentfilmdepositiontechniquesismadeandindicatesthatthepropertie...
accepted manuscript simulation of finite size effects of the fiber bundle model *highlights (for review) simulation of finite size effects of the fiber bundle model In theory, the macroscopic fracture of materials should correspond with the thermodynamic limit of the fiber bundle model. However, the...
We would be very happy to learn whether the editors and reviewers are interested in our work. If possible, can you please estimate when the review process may be finished? We patiently wait for your further reply. Thank you for your time and consideration, ...