Apologies if this has been reported before, but I searched Google, this GitHub, and the main VS Code GitHub, and couldn't find this exact issue. In every text editor I have ever used, selecting text and then deleting or typing over it removes the highlighting, so that the new text is ...
I can link the sheet if need be. Just as a rule of thumb, it isalwayshelpful to link the sheet. If you are interested in solving it yourself with just a pointer or two, you don't need to, but if you want more specific help, italways helps us help you to see what you're ac...
Hi, We have a document library on two different SharePoint sites (both libraries have the same name) and we want to display documents from only...
I want to move cells according to the cells that have been conditionally highlighted. I have selected Conditional Formatting so that I can identify cells...
Hi All,I'm new to SharePoint so maybe missing something obvious in my searching for a solution. Hopefully one of you may be able to point me in the correct...
Is there a way when you go to a parenthesis in the formula bar of Excel, to be more bolded than it is now? And also to keep the bold more time than now? I have workbooks in my job with complex formu... OK, thank you
We've discussed the idea of adding an "Advanced" tab in the future that allows you to enter your own KQL, which could be how we enable this (as opposed to supporting some things in the "simple" UX, but not others. Would love to know your thoguths on this approach, vs add...
Now check out your new highlighted text color in Windows. PressWindows+R, and then type some text into Run. Highlight that text with the cursor to see how its color has changed. The highlighted text color will have changed just the same in File Explorer’s folder location bar and the Re...