1.打开VS Code的扩展市场:点击左侧活动栏中的“扩展”图标,或者使用快捷键`Ctrl+Shift+X`(Windows)或`Cmd+Shift+X`(Mac)。 2.搜索TODO Highlight:在扩展市场的搜索栏中输入“TODO Highlight”。 3.安装插件:在搜索结果中找到TODO Highlight插件,点击“安装”按钮。安装完成后,确保插件已启用。你也可以通过此...
VS Code配置Source Insight的高亮功能(view:Highlight Word) 1.安装插件highlight-words。 2.打开快捷键配置页面,搜索栏输入highlight找到以下几项,双击对应项配置适合自己的快捷键。 Highlight Remove:在命令行取消高亮(单个/文本块/全部)。 Highlight Remove All:取消全部高亮。 Highlight Toggle Current:对单个字符...
有些todo插件需要额外增加一个专门的Todo list。如果需要集中处理,那么我会使用更加专业的Todo list软件(作为我整体提升日常工作效率的一部分,以后会专门介绍下),而不是VS Code的一个插件。 安装: 请在VS Code的扩展商店搜索“Todo Highlight”,点击安装。 配置: 插件已经内置了大部分的设置,除了根据自己的项目配置...
In order to highlight the modified lines in VS Code, you have to use version control (Git). Notice that there are left borders with multiple different colors depending on the modification. A blue bar to the left means that the lines have been modified. In other words, you previously stage...
Just in case, I use ubuntu 22.04 and VS Code 1.81.1 And this is the "package.json" file: {"name":"bonal","displayName":"Bonal","description":"BONAL Programming Language","version":"0.0.1","engines":{"vscode":"^1.81.0"},"categories":["Programming Languages"],"...
I'd like to be able to edit the words that are "soft-highlighted" in the second image all at once. I'm aware that you can manually multiline select the words, but there has got to be a way to use this feature, preferably a shortcut. visual-studio-code Share Fo...
Learn more about the Microsoft.VisualStudio.PlatformUI.EnvironmentColors.DebuggerDataTipActiveHighlightColorKey in the Microsoft.VisualStudio.PlatformUI namespace.
实用的Visual Studio Code插件 2019-03-25 13:46 −实用的Visual Studio Code插件 1.vscode-color-highlight---颜色代码高亮插件。(sublime text也有) 2.vscode-Open in Browser---右键在浏览器打开。(sublime text也有) 3.vsc... 【小新】 0 6598 Visual...
VS Code can only load json grammars, so yaml based grammars must be converted to json. Thejs-yamlpackageand command-line tool makes this easy. # Install js-yaml as a development only dependency in your extension$ npm install js-yaml --save-dev# Use the command-line tool to convert the...
"class:java": { "foreground": "#0f0", "italic": true } // classes in java If no rule matches or the theme has nosemanticTokenColorssection (butsemanticHighlightingenabled), VS Code uses theSemantic Token Scope Mapto evaluate a TextMate scope for the given semantic token. That scope is...