Ski Resorts:Nevis Range, Scotland Football:Fort William FC, United Kingdom The 7 day weather forecast summary for Polloch: Taking a look at Polloch over the coming week and the average daytime maximum temperature will be around 7°C, with a high for the week of 12°C expected on the af...
This article looks at the winter road maintenance services provided by the new operator in the north-west Highlands of Scotland. Staff operate from thirteen depots, with overnight patrols, and a 24-hour control room run from one of six depots on a rota. Up-to-date forecasting of weather is...
Ski Scotland Snow Conditions. Scottish Snow and Mountain Sports, ski reports and webcams
THE minute temperatures start to plunge in winter, our complaints aboutthe hardships of life in Scotland are never far behind. But many of us secretlyyearn for the sort of heavy snowfall that can turn dreich, damp days intoscenes that resemble a glittering Scandinavia. We start hanging on ...
Scotland’s midge fauna was first scientifically described and investigated in the early 20th Century but it was not until the middle of the century that Scotland’s midges were investigated in more depth. The University of Edinburgh set up their ‘Midge Control Unit’ in 1952. ...