I definitely feel that Hans was the closest one to me in terms of how he plays. And of course, I think he's very good, because I think I'm very good. But personally, over the years I have probably the highest win rates versus nearly all AD carries. The AD I probably ...
If you think that having two version of a game to sub to somehow doesn't impact the sub rates then you're delusional. Perhaps I haven't made this clear enough in my previous posts but I'm not arguing that Classic didn't have any impact. I'm saying that ...
Jack Conn olly's Yankees cam e off best in the Lake loop, gaining a win and a tie to boost their point total. Tommy Castle starred in the 1-1 deadlock with the G iants July 20, scampering home with the ty- ing run when catcher J im Dittm an threw wild to second base. On ...
You’ll have to be careful with longer maturities if the bond bull market dating from 1981 is over, as any surprises will be with higher rates. With the biggest debt mania ever and far worse fundamentals than in 1981, interest rates are destined to blow past the prior highs by the time...
Since then, the frame rates of digital high-speed cameras have rapidly increased, as shown with blue squares and green circles in Figure 1 [4,5,8–13,17,18]. The blue squares indicate the frame rates achieved by standard high-speed cameras with one silicon image sensor. The green circles...
Rates of female lung cancer decreased annually since 1993 while cervical cancer incidence largely decreased in last 5 years. In 2012, ASRs were highest for breast and lung cancers and these cases made up the over half of all female cancers cases in the north (55%). Projections indicated that...