What is the frequency and wavelength range of the electromagnetic spectrum, and also in between what range does visible light occupy the spectrum? What would be the speed of a wave that has a wavelength of 0.033 m/wave and a frequency of 440 waves/s? An electromagnetic w...
In particular, the discussion is currently open on the possibility to explain multi-wavelength observations with a single synchrotron component up to TeV energies. This scenario requires a revision of the shock acceleration model adopted to explain particle acceleration in these relativistic shocks: ...
Wavelength (nm) 450 550 650 Photon Energy (eV) 2.753 2.255 1.907 Absorption Coefficient (cm−1) 2.05 × 104 5.77 × 104 2.05 × 103 Penetration Depth (µm) 0.489 1.733 4.000 2.3. Signal Detected by Silicon Image Sensor A photon of visible light incident to the backside of an image ...