India's capital New Delhi experienced its highest recorded temperature to date on May 29, with the mercury soaring to 52.3 degrees Celsius, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) announced. This unprecedented heat wave hit the Delhi suburb of Mungeshpur, marking the first time temperatures in ...
During their time at Real Madrid, Karim Benzema inevitably played in the shadow of Ronaldo – and although the pair ply their trade for different clubs in Saudi Arabia, the Portuguese legend still has the edge on salary – just. On the pitch, Benzema might prove more successful – not only...
“We cannot afford to just follow in somebody else’s footsteps. ” Big-engined ‘adventure sports’ motorcycles with off-road credibility are all the rage Perfect Replica Watches nowadays – but back in 1980, there
Pfizer India has reportedly sought more time, but the company’s mRNA vaccine has already been approved, under emergency use conditions, in a number of countries including the USA and UK, and by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Though the extremely low temperature of −70 °C required...