While Rotten Tomatoes is renowned for relying on critical input from respected voices from the world of the film critic, and is arguably seen as the more discerning site, IMDb offers a wider, more diverse view on movies with the perspective of the “common man,” which is why it makes the...
With a 75% Tomatometer rating, it doesn’t even rank among the top 10 Tomatometer scores of the MCU – though we think there’s a case to be made for reassessing its virtues –and it lost the summer of 2015 to the dinosaurs of Jurassic World. Still, it was just the 16th film ever...
The Rotten Tomatoes 95% audience rating demonstrates that this cautionary tale of excess and the world’s most notorious rock band is compelling and engaging. Bassist Nikki Sixx added, “In the movie we re-tell the time Mötley Crüe ignored the advice that Ozzy Osbourne gave us about too m...
Ghostbusters Franchise Ranked On Rotten Tomatoes: From Paul Rudd’s Frozen Empire To Bill Murray’s Og Film; Find Out Which Film Has The Highest Rating. (Photo Credit – IMDb)The Ghostbusters franchise is once again back with the sequel of the reboot that came out in 2021. The original fil...
2000's "Battlefield Earth" was branded byThe Guardianas one of the worst movies ever made, and critics across the board agreed — the film has a pitiful 3 percent approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. This drastically miscalculated L. Ron Hubbard adaptation cost $73 million to make and returne...
Why Should you watch it:It has won various awards since its release and is considered a quintessential American movie. The film also has a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. 9. The Grand Illusion IMDb:8.1/10 Where to watch:Amazon This is among the first and best prison break movies ever to...