spawning several anime adaptations on its way to becoming one of the highest-grossing media franchises of all time. The animated series "Dragon Ball Z" arrived in America in the mid-'90s. Despite taking a while to catch on, it eventually found a home on Cartoon Network and went on to b...
Anime that have at least 10,000 votes and an IMDb rating of at least 7.5 are considered. Which of these is the best thriller anime? Discuss here Favorite Animated Comic Book Movie A poll byBonaFideBOSS Which of these top-rated animated comic book movies is your favorite? • Note: Only...
Steam Rating: 97.1% Positive (150k+ Reviews) From its fantastic writing to its well-thought-out puzzles, there's an awful lot to like aboutPortal. As the title might suggest, the core premise of the game involves using two-way portals in order to solve a series of puzzles, with physics...
Domestic Total:$86.2M (as of 11/14/23) The consistently reliableConjuringfranchise hit its peak in 2018 with spinoffThe Nun, which boasts the highest opening weekend ($53.8M), international box office ($248.6M), and global box office ($363.3M) of the series to date—though its domestic ...
Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story” has a rating of 9.6 out of 10 on IMDb. The show, directed by Hansal Mehta, has acquired the ninth spot in the list globally. Ratings of a film or series on IMDb are based on user ratings, and done of a scale of 10. The top spot in the ...
That meansCrash Course in RomanceEpisode 5 has massively climbed from its Episode 1 rating of just 4 percent nationwide, and 4.3% in Seoul, to more than double its viewership in just two weeks. Then again, the dramaisoffering something quite a bit different than the usual s...