May December has one of Netflix's best Rotten Tomatoes scores of the year. The new drama from Carol director Todd Haynes stars Julianne Moore as Gracie Atherton-Yoo, a former teacher who was imprisoned for a period after she was discovered having an affair with her 13-year-old student Joe...
The post The Highest Rated Horror Movies Of All Time appeared first on /Film. See full article at Slash Film 6/6/2022 by Anya Stanley Slash Film Similar News Rotten Tomatoes Cassandra: 3 Reasons Why You Cannot Miss This Binge-Worthy Netflix Thriller!
Why Should you watch it:It has won various awards since its release and is considered a quintessential American movie. The film also has a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. 9. The Grand Illusion IMDb:8.1/10 Where to watch:Amazon This is among the first and best prison break movies ever to...
2000's "Battlefield Earth" was branded byThe Guardianas one of the worst movies ever made, and critics across the board agreed — the film has a pitiful 3 percent approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. This drastically miscalculated L. Ron Hubbard adaptation cost $73 million to make and returne...
When the first Matrix film made its debut in 1999 it was haileda “revolution in filmmaking”and quickly becamethe highest-grossing rated-R movieup to that point. Unfortunately, the cyberpunk series, about the imprisonment of humanity in a virtual reality system by artificial intelligence, didn’...