One of the most classic action franchises to come out of the 1980s, the Lethal Weapon movies follow two Los Angeles Police Department detectives (Danny Glover and Mel Gibson) as they work to take down leaders in the city’s violent underworld. The first two movies were wildly successful wit...
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but there are definitely jobs that pay more than others. Many of these jobs require your character to have specific stats and maxing them out to a high enough rank to be the best of the best. It can be difficult to reach these incredible heights...
Rank: 24th in Colorado 25 Counties with the Highest Cancer Rates in Colorado Google Maps Highest Cancer Rates in Colorado: #23 Washington County County: Washington County Incidence Rate Per 100,000 (2016 – 2020): 497.2 Age-Adjusted Rate Per 100,000 (2016 – 2020):351.0 Population: 4,861 ...
false information disrupting public order; disrupting order at a unit or public venue; provocation; refusing to implement decisions and orders in an emergency; obstructing the performance of public affairs; breaking through police lines or instruments; striking others; intentional harm, insulting others,...