The criminal justice system provides multiple career possibilities in each of its three major areas of operation: high paying law enforcement jobs, judiciary and law jobs, and corrections jobs. Law enforcement is a major employer of criminal justice graduates, from local police officers and investigat...
Civil rights lawyers defend the civil rights and fundamental liberties of the public. A typical civil rights case might involve defending an individual who faces discrimination based on race, age, gender or religion. Cases related to alleged improper conduct by law enforcement also fall under the u...
If you want a higher-paying job, most require degrees. However, I recently ran across some interesting information from Stacker Media about the "average statistical numbers on Abilene jobs that do not require a degree." While many of these jobs may not require a college degree per se, some...
If you live in a modern structure, chances are good that part of your tax bill is dedicated to paying someone to walk through your neighborhood and take readings of the outdoor utility meters. Soon, simple and cheap smart devices that are part of themass energy storagemovement will make that...
You don't need a college degree to get a good job at good wages. These 25 jobs are the highest paying jobs you can get without a degree.
Those who are convicted have less chance of getting jobs that involve justice or law enforcement. For example, as a felon, you won’t able to get a job in the FBI. Tips for Getting Hired as a Felon There’s no doubt that it can be very difficult to get a job as a felon, but ...
If you have been wondering how to get a high-paying job without going to college, this article will look at 21+ highest paying jobs without a degree. The type
But there are pre-law jobs that pay well and can act as an excellent bridge between undergrad and law school. The position of a paralegal is one of the most well-paying pre-law jobs that helps build a resume for law school. Gaining real experience in a firm will help yo...
910 working in specialty hospitals, and the third-highest salary working in offices of physicians, which paid $57,320. In terms of location, Alaska paid the highest salary, which was $80,310. Washington was the second-highest paying state, with $66,920, while New Jersey was third with ...
The highest-paying IT certifications, according to Skillsoft's annual report, include credentials from Google, AWS, ISC2 and several others. See the list.