Only federal government agencies can provide someone with top secret security clearance. These include federal law enforcement agencies (DEA, NCIS, FBI and Secret Service personnel), intelligence gathering agencies (NSA and CIA), diplomatic agencies (State Department) and civilian military agencies (DIA...
Network SecurityMadsen, W. "Highest Level Clearances Planned for all US IT Security Pros," Network Security, 2004 (3), 2004, 1-2 [28] Matz, J. A., "Intelligence Production and the Army Intelligence Agency," Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin, 18 (2), 1992, 10-12....
originally issued in February, 1983, is up for routine, periodic renewal, an Energy Department spokesman said. A Q rating is equivalent to the highest levels of top-secret clearance in the military.
On 31 October, the Supreme People’s Court issued its Opinion on Expanding Capacity in Safeguarding the Interests of National Defense, Guaranteeing the Rights and Interests of Military Personnel, and Military Dependents (关于进一步发挥职能作用维护国防利益和军人军属合法权益的意见)(The Opinion) (linked ...