Dive into the vibrant, underwater world of Finding Nemo, a Pixar-animated adventure brimming with humor and heart. Marlin (Albert Brooks), an overprotective clownfish, embarks on a daring rescue mission across the ocean when his son, Nemo (Alexander Gould), is captured by a diver and pla...
The meaning of HIGH is rising or extending upward a great distance : taller than average, usual, or expected. How to use high in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of High.
first 【构词成分】 (构成副词)表示"...为先地","...朝前地"(如:head-first, jump into the water feet-first脚先入水地跳入水中) highest grossing 高票房 highest bidder 【法】 出价最高的投标人 highest tech adj. 技术含量最高的,尖端科技的 out adv. 1. 出外;在外;向外 2. 在外;不...
2. Nautical Out of water. Used of a ship, for example. high and low Here and there; everywhere: searched high and low for the keys. on high 1. High in the sky. 2. In heaven. 3. In a position of authority. [Middle English, from Old English hēah.] high′ly adv. American Herit...
第 4 课时导学案 课型 新课 一、学习目标: 1.掌握本单元中的重点词汇,短语,并灵活运用。 2. 学习目标语言:Humans catch whales for meat, fat and oil. Jump high out of the water. Why do some of them have to be protected? How can we protect them? 二、学习重难点 1. 学习下列单词:w...
Who can jump the highest at your school Who has the most skips over a rope Who’s the fastest at solving a Rubik’s Cube(魔方) Everyone can be the best at something. Recently, Beijing 101 Middle School held an activity called “Guinness Campus” to help students find their potential(...
“the way of water,” which jumps several years ahead to show jake and netreyi (zoë saldaña) raising a family together. when humans return to threaten pandora, they turn to the planet’s water-dwelling inhabitants in search of safety. titanic (1997) image credit: ©20thcentfox/...
(脚踝).You fall at up to 150kilometres an hour until the rope stops you from hitting the ground.It is said that about 2million people around the world have now tried bungee jumping.Other risky activities include jumping from tall buildings and diving(跳水) into the water from the top of ...
B.Drink too much water. C.Suck water into trunks and spray it over their bodies. D.Swim in the rivers or ponds. 33.How does an elephant grab small things? A.To use their foot to step on the large things int...
“the way of water,” which jumps several years ahead to show jake and netreyi (zoë saldaña) raising a family together. when humans return to threaten pandora, they turn to the planet’s water-dwelling inhabitants in search of safety. titanic (1997) image credit: ©20thcentfox/...