So when you are shopping for the best annuity program, remember that there are what is called “proprietaryprogramsthatoffer annuity representativeshigher fee’s to sell their product”so be aware of this when you are being sold an annuity with attractive rates and terms from a provider that yo...
Unlike CDs, fixed annuity policies allow you to withdraw your interest as income –or defer it – for as long as you wish. And annuities offer higher rates of return than almost all comparable bank instruments offered today. The other piece of good news: Annuity rates are the highest they’...
Compare The Highest Annuity Rates Today Compare the best guaranteed fixed annuity interest rates from our independent brokerage. These are safe & insured MYGA accounts offering high yields, competitive returns, and minimal risk. Our software below lets you view the highest tax-deferred and income-ge...