This is India's third highest-grossing movie. This is a historical action movie in Kannada. It is a continuation of the movie KGF: Chapter 1. The story revolves around assassin Rocky, who later become the cartel's kingpin in the Kolar Gold Fields. The film was released on April 14 2022...
Jurassic World films still have a huge fan following in India. This can be judged by the fact that 22 years post the events ofJurassic Park(1993), Jurassic World gets a superb response and earned Rs 100+ Crore in India. Must Read:Highest Opening Day Grossing Hollywood Movies of all time...
The biographical film ‘Dangal’ continued to be the highest grossing Indian movie overseas as of November 2023, having generated nearly 233 million U.S. dollars. Pathaan, one of Bollywood's latest releases in 2023 starring Shahrukh Khan, ranked eighth during the surveyed period with an overseas...
From some of the best movies to some of the worst, here is a list of the top 15 highest grossing Indian movies that broke records. 1. Dangal This 2016 Aamir Khan sports film based on the Phogat sisters made a whoppingRs 2000 Croreworldwide and tops the list of highest grossing Indian...
Directed by SS Rajamouli and starring Prabhas, Rana Daggubati, and Anushka Shetty,Baahubali 2is the second-highest-grossing Hindi movie in India. The Hindi version of the movie collected Rs 511 crore in India. 3) Gadar 2 (Rs 500+ Crore) ...
Bollywood is one of the most famous and highest-grossing film industries in the world after Hollywood. With many critically-acclaimed movies and mega-stars that never fail to deliver, India has become one of the top nations to master the craft of filmmaking. They are known for being the epit...
This sequel to Jurassic World released in 2015 and has made$1.309 billionworldwide. VOX Frozen This Disney film was the highest-grossing film of 2013 and now stands at number 15 of the highest-grossing films of all time after earning$1.276 billion. ...
Press Trust of India
Check out the highest-grossing Bollywood films at the worldwide box office(inclusive of the global collection of Hindi dubbed versions of down South films): As we can see, Aamir Khan’s Dangal is the top spot in the highest-grossing Bollywood films at the worldwide box office with a gross...
The film was released in the USSR in 1976 and was watched by 61 million viewers.The White Gowneven bettered the box office of another Indian hit,Seeta Aur Geeta, which was released the same year (and which ended up among the top 20 highest-grossing films in the USSR). ...