Currently Demon Hunter and Outlaw rogue are tied for highest dps spec apm at 73apm according to simulation craft but it got me thinking what dps spec in history has the highest apm ever? I assume the answer will be from …
【魔兽世界9.0】神枪手碰到双盗贼-射击猎竞技场(MARKSMAN MEETS DOUBLE ROGUE! | Jellybeans Highlights) 14:00 【魔兽世界9.0】2600+敏锐贼双dps组合打出自己的竞技场最高分(We just hit our HIGHEST Rating as 2x DPS... ) 12:23 【魔兽世界9.0】成为通灵领主,Soulscape恶魔猎手战场集锦(GO NECROLORD not... 原标题:We just hit our HIGHEST Rating as 2x DPS... | Sub Rogue WoW Shadowlands Arena | Nahj 游戏 网络游戏 竞技场 PVP 魔兽 暗影国度 潜行者 盗贼 0评论 按热度排序 按时间排序 请先登录后发表评论 (・ω・)发表评论 表情 看看下面~来发评论吧逐...