Because there is no upper limit to quotas inLethal Company,the highest quota can varybased on how often you and your teammates have met the previous quotas. Players haveclaimed to reach quotas as high as 2000, 3000, 4000, or even 5000, which is quite an impressive feat. However, since t...
"apex-legends-general-discussion-pl-link":"Apex Legends Dyskusja ogólna","ea-forums-tutorials-and-rules-en":"Tutorials & Rules","other-ea-games-fr-link":"Autres Jeux EA","apex-legends-de-link":"Apex Legends","community-hub-it-link":"Comunicazioni della Community","fc-mobi...
corresponds to the level of “spontaneous accomplishment, free of focus”. From the eighth bhūmi, bodhisattvas generate loving kindness towards sentient beings while acting for their benefit spontaneously and without thought. They act for beings as in the examples of a precious, wish-fulfilling...
Because there is no upper limit to quotas inLethal Company,the highest quota can varybased on how often you and your teammates have met the previous quotas. Players haveclaimed to reach quotas as high as 2000, 3000, 4000, or even 5000, which is quite an impressive feat. However, since t...
"apex-legends-technical-issues-it-link":"Apex Legends Problemi tecnici & Bug","eaGo to the {newLanguage} community Switch back to {oldLanguage}","toast.successTitle":"Language Changed to {language}","toast.failureTitle":"Error - Action Failed","toast.failureMessage":"An unidentified problem...
Choose moons with higher hazard levels.The higher the hazard level, the higher the scrap’s value. There is a risk to this, entailing more danger regarding monsters, but more risk means more reward. Collect your teammate’s dead bodies.Retrieving your teammate’s bodies waives any penalty you...