Wilson, Donald C., 1995, "Highest and Best Use Analysis: Appraisal Heuristics versus Economic Theory", Appraisal Journal Publisher, Volume 63, Nomor 1, halaman 45-57.Wilson, D. (1995). Highest and Best Use: Appraisal Heuristics versus Economic Theory. Appraisal Journal, 63(1), 11-26....
There are many methods used by real estate experts and professionals use to attempt to determine the value of land. Highest and best use is a very practical assessment method, as it essentially roots out any intangible elements of an appraisal and brings matters down to certainties. Such realiti...
Potential rezoning and redevelopment too speculative to be basis for highest and best use in appraisal Appraisal JournalMueller, Scott B.
Still Dragon waterfall was my favorite — located in a very beautiful place and surrounded by the cliffs on three sides, it made one of the best panoramic views. At the end of shooting the Dragon Waterfall, I saw that the cloud above Angel had lifted. We then immediately flew back. ...
The guiding opinions provide that a judge’s expression of views at these meetings should be an important part of his or her performance appraisal, evaluation, and provision, and the materials can be edited into meeting summaries, typical cases, and other forms of guidance materials, which can ...
Presents a letter to the editor about mathematical models for real estate valuation.Kane, Walter Mtheappraisalinstitute
Both the Appraisal Institute (AI) and the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) consider a property's use, the precursor of its value. Confusion arises for US appraisers and students alike in deciding how to conduct a highest and best use study because in the USA the AI's ...