6 Mo US Treasury11/30/220.16% US Treasury Rates US Series I Bonds and Rates forOlder I-Bonds 12/01/226.89% to 10.20% Rate is fixed for 6 months Current iBond Rates& I- Bonds Explained 1 Year CD 1 Yr US Treasury 11/30/224.74% ...
Africa has some of the world’s highest under-5 mortality rates and maternal mortality ratios, but has registered modest declines in recent years. daccess-ods.un.org 非洲一些国家的5 岁 以下死亡率和孕产妇死亡率在世界上排 得 很 前 ,但 近年 来已略为下降。 daccess-ods.un.org [...] ...
a t p r e m ium rates. 1400 L ake Ave .. G len. 6568-R . CAR RADlO-Phllco, $16. A lso 10 ga ls. white house pa int. $4.95 gal. o r trad e for deer r ifle or office des k . 219 Yo r k St. CHAffiS-Antique m a ple , s traight back, r e fin ished . Mo ...
In Ethiopia’s Amhara region, where rates of child marriage are among the highest in the world, the UNFPA-supported Berhane Hewan programme follows [...] daccess-ods.un.org 在童 婚率居世界最高之列的埃 塞俄比亚的阿姆哈拉地区,人口基金支助的 Berhane Hewan 方案遵循一种有条件现金转移支付...
Regional Trends, Projected Rates and Numbers 2.2. RTergeionndalanTraelnydssis, PshroojweceteddtRhaattecsaanncdeNr iunmcibdeerns ce for the five cancers combined varied across regions and aTcrreonsdsatnimaley.sOisvsehroawlle, dcatnhcaetrcainncciedreinceidheanscebfeoerntheigfhiveestcainnctehresn...