On 10th of March 2020, Turkish Ministry of Health announced the first Covid-19 case in Turkey (Anadolu Ajansi,2020a). On 12th of March 2020, Turkish Higher Education Council paused education in all universities in the country for three weeks starting on 16th of March (Anadolu Ajansi, 2020c...
performance and perception, and (5) analysis of learning behaviors and patterns. However, potential research issues or dimensions concerning smart learning within the above-mentioned reviews, along with other relevant studies (e.g., Spector2016), were mostly developed or hypothesized based on subjectiv...
(primary school or 1st–8th); (3) secondary level (first phase or 9th–10th); (4) secondary level (second phase or 11th–12th); and (5) post-secondary non-tertiary educations or short-cycle tertiary education [30]. Then, we merged these categories into two: incomplete secondary ...
Another important element we have identified is whether games should be fully or partially integrated into the learning process. Most of the researchers agree that games should be treated mainly as supplementary elements (Sitzmann,2011) since full integration requires high-quality mechanisms, students’ ...