The educational structure in India is generally referred to as the Ten + Two + Three (10+2+3) pattern. The first ten years provide undifferentiated general education for all students. The +2 stage, also known as the higher secondary or senior secondary, provides for differentiation into academ...
The syllabi of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and four Indian states (Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka) are studied, which reveal that CBSE includes only one element of EHoM (creative problem-solving) in higher secon...
education, pre schools, primary schools, secondary schools, higher secondary schools, cbse schools, rbse schools, kendriya vidhyalaya
Radhakrishnan Commission is also known as University Education Commission. It suggested the integration of secondary education and higher education by setting up UGC. It was set up to inquire into the requirements of higher education in India. To develop democratic values, peace and harmony. Put ...
摘要: Secondary education is, perhaps, the most important part of an individual's education as it is during these years that a student decides what she is going to take up for further education and how she...关键词: Vocational education secondary level senior secondary level preparation for ...
What is higher secondary education in India? What is vocal pedagogy? What is contemplative pedagogy? What is universalization of elementary education? What is secondary science education? What is physical education pedagogy? What is tertiary education in India?
Higher Education in Tamilnadu, India : The Complete Information about Arts & Science, Catering & Hotel Management, Engineering, Management, Medical / Para-Medical - Dental, Homeopathy, Ayurvedha, Siddha, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Nurisng, Phar
Education in India has different levels such as pre-school, primary, upper primary, secondary and higher secondary, technical, and professional and levels of higher education. Since independence, the growth has been very impressive; the number of universities has increased by 18-times, the number ...
China and India together account for almost 25% of the world’s postsecondary student population. Most of the enrolment growth in the coming several decades will be in developing countries, and China and India will contribute a significant proportion of that expansion, since China currently educate...
In India, the system of higher education is highly fragmented and stratified and produces students of different qualities. A large number of students having different social background and different type of schooling up to secondary level also vary in their educational attainments as well as in ...