Higher protein diet for weight management in young overweight women: A 12-month randomized controlled trial. Diabetes, Obes Metab. 2013;15: 572-5.Griffin HJ, Cheng HL, O'Connor HT, Rooney KB, Petocz P, Steinbeck KS. Higher protein diet for weight management in young overweight women: a ...
Keep in mind that rest days are equally important for maintaining an efficient metabolism. So ensure you take some time out between workouts. 2. Eat protein at every meal. Up next is a delicious tip: Have a protein-packed snack! That's right—more protein in your diet can help speed up...
While diet and exercise induced body weight loss has significant health benefits, the ratio of fat:lean tissue loss may be more important. We aimed to determine how daily exercise and different hypoenergetic diets, varying in protein and calcium, affected changes in the tissu...
The importance of the relative dietary content of protein, carbohydrate and the type of carbohydrate (that is, glycemic index (GI)) for weight control under ad libitum conditions has been controversial owing to the lack of large scale studies with high d
Objectives Weight loss interventions for older adults often reduce bone mineral density (BMD), increasing risk of subsequent detrimental outcomes. This study explored the long-term impact of a higher protein diet plus exercise versus a diet plus exercise control treatment on body weight, bone mineral...
Weight loss interventions for older adults often reduce bone mineral density (BMD), increasing risk of subsequent detrimental outcomes. This study explored the long-term impact of a higher protein diet plus exercise versus a diet plus exercise control treatment on body weight, bone mineral density ...
Two replicates were performed for each sample. We collected the SCFA data and integrated the peaks using the GC’s default software (Agilent). To determine the final concentrations of SCFAs, the samples were weighed before and after protein precipitation to obtain the appropriate multiplication ...
Low-carb diets can often be paired with an increase in protein intake. The highly satiating nature of protein can help people feel full even when they are in a caloric deficit. One study even showed that participants on an ad libitum, high protein diet were able tospontaneously decrease their...
High rate of calories from protein could be associated with high risk of hypertension. Therefore, protein-restricted diet may have a favorable effect in preventing hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution Access options Subscribe ...
a scientific journal, revealed that a calorie-restricted diet with additional protein resulted in retained post-meal feelings of fullness and improved overall mood. The same study also found that a higher level of protein intake was more effective in maintaining lean body mass during weight loss. ...