,而问我“… Zero Steins 【AS物理 A*指南】A-Level Physics(AS) A-Level Physics(AS)A- Level 物理(AS) 01 课程介绍 在A-Level的众多学科中,物理是一门非常实用的学科。尤其是对大学要学理工科的同学来说,物理是非常推荐的一门学科,甚至在大部分工… BU Amber老师...
But string theory is not the only place in physics where higher category/higher homotopy theory appears, it is only the most prominent place, roughly due to the fact that higher dimensionality is explicitly forced upon us by the very move from 0-dimensional point particles to 1-dimensional stri...
Structured light refers to the arbitrarily tailoring of optical fields in all their degrees of freedom (DoFs), from spatial to temporal. Although orbital angular momentum (OAM) is perhaps the most topical example, and celebrating 30 years since its conne
2008). Analogous to self-efficacy for teaching, it is thereby important to measure BPNS within the context relevant to the respective research questions. It is, for example, plausible that certain characteristics of a session
English as a medium of instruction has been a disputable topic in Turkish education (Macaro et al., 2016, Selvi, 2014). While supporters of EMI argue for the benefits of it such as (1) the contribution of learning a second language to competencies in the first language (Alptekin, 1998)...
Naturally, you will not read everybook at the same speed .You would expect to read a newspaper, for example, muchmore rapidly than a physics or economics textbook –but you can raise youraverage reading speed over the whole range of materials you wish to cover sothat the percentage gained ...
There are also further questions specifically relevant to SLA prompted by the communicative of communicative learning theory (CLT) within ELT. CLT holds that second languages are acquired through using language for everyday communicative purposes rather than through overtly instructional methods (e.g., ...
When describing complex interconnected systems, one often has to go beyond the standard network description to account for generalized interactions. Here, we establish a unified framework to simplify the stability analysis of cluster synchronization patt
The group were willing to go with my idea, though they had questions. Would we collect money at the poetry stand? No. What if there were no customers? It’s part of the risk. What if we had nothing to say on the topic they gave us? You will, and I’ll train you. ...
that my interpretation of the data can’t possibly be correct because it doesn’t take very basic physics into account, and that the paper published months ago by Professor W. Leader’s group at Prestige University described exactly the type of measurement I suggested in our most recent meeting...