C (2023) 83:1080 https://doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-12237-9 Regular Article - Theoretical Physics Spectroscopic survey of higher-lying states of Bc meson family Xue-Jian Li1,2,3,5,a, Yu-Shuai Li1,2,3,5,b, Fu-Lai Wang1,2,3,5,c, Xiang Liu1,2,3,4,5,d 1 School of ...
Structured light refers to the arbitrarily tailoring of optical fields in all their degrees of freedom (DoFs), from spatial to temporal. Although orbital angular momentum (OAM) is perhaps the most topical example, and celebrating 30 years since its conne
,而问我“… Zero Steins 【AS物理 A*指南】A-Level Physics(AS) A-Level Physics(AS)A- Level 物理(AS) 01 课程介绍 在A-Level的众多学科中,物理是一门非常实用的学科。尤其是对大学要学理工科的同学来说,物理是非常推荐的一门学科,甚至在大部分工… BU Amber老师...
The study of hadron spectroscopy offers a unique avenue to deepen our understanding of the non-perturbative nature of the strong interaction. Over the past few decades, significant progress has been made, both experimentally and theoretically, leading to extensive investigations of the exotic hadronic ...
However, we take the position that such claims regarding L2 use and learning of academic content require a micro-analytic, empirical investigation, and this is one of the aims of the present paper. 4. The data and context?? English has been adopted as the ‘medium of instruction’ by ...
in "New Spaces for Mathematics and Physics", 2018 (arXiv:1703.03007) Thanks, I will try to get around to check that paper. Just to take a huge jump ahead of things – regardless of the value of a developed branch of mathematics that can bring some order and structure into some of the...
Physics Instruction in Higher Education: Current Status of the Introductory Courses. This study was designed to determine the current status of college physics and university physics, the two introductory courses. It also sought to identify any differences that exist between different types and sizes ...
When describing complex interconnected systems, one often has to go beyond the standard network description to account for generalized interactions. Here, we establish a unified framework to simplify the stability analysis of cluster synchronization patt
Self-efficacy for teaching was measured with an adapted, German version of the scale developed by Nie et al. (2012) that has been used in past research on higher education teachers’ motivation (Daumiller et al.,2016). The scale includes three subscales that assess self-efficacy regarding in...
Game-based learning (GBL) leverages the entertaining experience of computer or noncomputer games to achieve an educational objective such as changing atti- tudes (Stewart et al. 2013) or improving knowledge in subjects such as math (Castellar et al. 2015) and physics (Hamari et al. ...