Hawkins R.D. A simple circuit model for higher-order features of classical conditioning. In: Byrne J.H., Berry W.O., editors. Neural models of plasticity. Academic Press; San Diego: 1988. pp. 73–93.Hawkins, R.D. (1989b) A simple circuit model for higher-order features of classical...
Different from the tradition that topology needs to be first understood in condensed matter systems, higher-order TIs are realized almost entirely in classical artificial structures41,42,43,44,45,46. This means non-Hermiticity has been an issue since the very beginning—while higher-order topology...
In order to judge the results' validity for the three ethnic groups studied, compared to other studies, it is relevant to consider sample size. Sample sizes tend to differ substantially between field studies and lab studies. With increasing experimental control (lab), the time investment per part...
"We found that the risk of death after a major cardiovascular event in a 50-year-old in the general population is equivalent to that of a 30-year-old who was previously treated for cancer as a child," said Wendy Bottinor, M.D., lead author on the study and cardio-oncologist at Mass...
The suggestions given by Indonesian students on social studies, are: a) improving the facilities and infrastructure in the learning activities, b) using methods and instructional media were varied and not monotonous, c) conducting site visits to the field in order to understand more the learning,...
With respect to the worldwide energy management of pressurized, heavier waterpower reaction reactors in the regressive conditioning scenario, a robust fractional-order PID controller design method was presented in [22]. The simulated outcomes of the presented fractional-order PID control showed that ...
The comparisons of the MFPOA and classical FPA as well as other commonly used algorithms, such as GA, PSO should be considered in future research. In addition, the application of the proposed controller on higher-order systems (like 4×4, 5×5,4×4, 5×5, etc.) should be considered....
classical conditioning, in which a neutral stimulus (in our example, ringing a bell) acquires the ability to produce a response originally produced by another stimulus (in our example, food). In the 1920s, John Watson wanted to show that Pavlov's concept of classical con- ditioning could ...
LearningConditioning, ClassicalCuesPunishmentElsevier's Scopus, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature. Search and access research from the science, technology, medicine, social sciences and arts and humanities fields....
In addition to the classical beta, the aim of the study is also to check the impact of higher order co-moments on the sub-indices pricing. The unconditional risk-return relationships are estimated using classical and downside measures and conditional relations in terms of market condition. The ...