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Large-scale open education initiatives, commonly referred to as MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), may be said to offer universities a new form of public outreach, whereby universities can take an active role in educating society and provide affordable
To dispel the idea that this is maths too far ahead of its physics development, it may be instructive to see the evidence that instead the maths is lagging behind, see Edward Witten's question to the maths communityGroup cohomology and condensed matter So much for tonight. If you have furth...
Pressure on exams group as calls on higher maths paper increaseAine Kerr
The brain maps were thresholded at 0.2 using fslmaths to remove widespread spurious correlations. The JHA labels were extracted using the maximum probability atlas labels. The percent overlap analysis accounts for the percent overlap of the atlas labels with the Smith-10 brain maps. Thus, the ...
So now, by day, I’m a geographer who gets great satisfaction from helping my students improve their confidence with maths. By night, I’m anartist. And I’m available not only for commissions but also for chats if my story resonates with you. ...
1 School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland E-mail address: Laboratoire J.A.Dieudonne´, Universite´ de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, Parc Valrose, 06108 Nice Cedex 02, France E-mail address: brunov@unice.frY. Ye and P. Zhang, Higher Koszul complexes, ...
Hi Philip, if you're sitting comfortably ... I'll start by being very clear here: it was an act of God when I got a Maths O level back in the early 70s. I can't add two fractions together, let alone do anything remotely associated with quantum mechanics or its like. I do not ...
glasser paper110. The noise in the HCP data, i.e., effects of motion, non-neuronal physiology, scanner artifacts, and other nuisance sources, were removed using a machine learning-based classifier, i.e., FSL-Fix111,112. Data were smoothed with a 3.5 mm Gaussian kernel using fslmaths....