Pressure on exams group as calls on higher maths paper increaseAine Kerr
The work on this paper has been generously funded by the German Science Foundation within the Priority Programme 1646 “Education as a lifelong process” (TI 766/1-1). Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests....
These dynamics can be integrated with several other variables, forming a complex system model, which can be applied for different areas, from social sciences to physics and maths. One of the main patrons of its use in science education was late Professor Jay Forrester from the Massachusetts ...
we offer nuance to existing research and discourse about the French university system being a “weak” institution. Our findings contribute to building solutions to ensure continuity of social justice through the transition to online
Leaving Countdown; Rise of 42% in Pupils for Higher Level Maths Paper
More Taking Honours Maths in Junior Cert ; Higher Proportion of Girls Than Boys Sat Higher Level Paper Last YearDuncan, Pamela
Higher Order Painlevé Equations in the Polynomial Class,Ⅱ.Bureau Symbol P1[OL].http:∥www maths usyd edu au:8000/res/Nonlinear/Cos/2000-6 html 113 pages,preprint 2000-6,University of Sydney(2000)C.M. Cosgrove, Higher-order Painleve equations in the polynomial class II: Bureau symbol P1,...