bhikkhunī-pātimokkha) by the Mingun Jetavana stands in contrast to the current state-sponsored examination syllabus for thilashins in Burma, who instead of studying the Vinayapiṭaka, are tested on the Sukumāramaggadīpanī (Manual of the Path for the Delicate) at the primary, or “root...
Students can carry just one eBook reader which contains all their syllabus contents. All the topics can be categorized and organized systematically. It’s like a small portable library for students. 2.Allows Flexible Reading: eBooks provide students with the luxury of reading the content anytime ...
5/16/2003 I've been doing some math... 5/21/2003 cubicle 5/23/2003 cubicle 5/30/2003 Cecilia's mom 5/31/2003 Cecilia's mom 6/3/2003 This is it!8/25/2003 7th Season Premiere 8/28/2003 Life Plan vs. Life Reality 9/2/2003 Thank goodness for life's little ironies... 9/4...
Due to rapid information technology growth, teaching Chinese in higher education has changed, and Chinese literary majors have vigorously evolved. The key