Payment of high tuition fees, often via loans, has changed the relationship between students and their higher education institutions. The sums involved, and the prospect of substantial debt to be paid off after graduation, have promoted a consumerist view among students in which choice of where to...
The indicator assumes a value higher than 1 when universities received a share of Total POs higher than the Turnover POs, thus highlighting a rewarding effect of the competitive allocation. If the indicator is lower than 1, universities in this area were ‘punished’ by the formula-based ...
The smooth political situation in Germany and Australia also kept their higher education quality at a high and stable level. Therefore, we discuss changes in the level of quality and sustainability of higher education in Japan and the United States. Japan’s Higher Education Quality Index declined...
The lower the starting level of information prior to the workshop, the higher the potential for improvement. In contrast, our argument becomes obsolete for students with very high levels of information due to ceiling effects. Therefore, we expect the effect on the intended choice of major to ...
Lowland origin women raised at high altitude are not protected against lower uteroplacental O2 delivery during pregnancy or reduced birth weight. Am J Hum Biol. 2011;23(4):509-516. doi:10.1002/ajhb.21167 PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 33. Jean D, Moore LG. Travel to high ...
As a result, the high thread counts have been associated with high-quality fabric because finer yarns are thought to make the sheets softer and more durable. In reality, thread count is irrelevant for some fabrications. Other factors — like the fiber quality and weave — are often more ...
Consequently, there is a need to impact, at governmental and institutional level, the phenomena associated with academic performance, such as high drop-out rates and student impermanence. Theoretical conceptualizations converge in defining academic performance as the level of knowledge demonstrated in a ...
Industry indicator inches higher.(BUSINESS)DePass, Dee
Higher education continually seeks new approaches to support students with various learning needs. At present, Finland attempts to provide such support thr
However, finding a suitable balance is key: On one hand, high perceived workloads increase the risk of stress and anxiety, on the other hand, low perceived workloads can also lead to a decrease in student performance (Smith, 2019). Likewise, academics themselves are advised to find a ...