“In 2024, it’s fair to say that higher education is going through a challenging period, but these awards are a constant reminder that we should never underestimate the drive and dedication of those who work in our universities to transform lives for the better,” Mr Gill added. “Enthusias...
Abu Dhabi University was the big winner at the Times Higher Education Awards Arab World 2024. The private research institution topped the most prestigious category, Leadership and Management Team of the Year, with the judges praising achievements across a broad range of areas that, taken together,...
【Times Higher Education Awards 2023:获奖者公布】 安格利亚鲁斯金大学(Anglia Ruskin University)被誉为一所“全力支持其地区”的机构,并在2023年泰晤士高等教育大奖赛上获得最高奖项。 安格利亚鲁斯金大学凭借其在英格兰东部多个中心的技能和创新枢纽的角色...
Pearson is excited to honor the amazing faculty that help to shape and improve the higher education space. Find out the winners in our latest blog post.
喜讯| 黑龙江外国语学院首次入围2024年泰晤士亚洲大奖 [图片]获奖来源:泰晤士高等教育刚刚,在由泰晤士高等教育(Times Higher Education,简称THE)公布的2024年度泰晤士高等教育亚洲大奖(THE Awards Asia)入围名单中,黑龙江外国语学院成功入围“杰出学生支持奖”。同样入围该榜单的8所亚洲大学中,还......
Students looking closer to home for international education, but immigration rules and price points remain barrier By Helen Packer 30 April Times Higher Education Awards Asia 2024: winners announced Turkish university’s ‘clarity of vision’ in transformation into innovation hub secures to...
Back in April, we announced that Kortext were the proud sponsor of the Times Higher Education Award for the Outstanding Library Team.Widely known as the “Oscars of higher education”, this year marks the 17th annual THE Awards, with 20 categories in total, covering a wide range ...
About this article Cite this article Plymouth wins Times Higher Education Award 2023. Br Dent J 236, 19 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41415-024-6752-x Download citation Published12 January 2024 Issue Date12 January 2024 DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1038/s41415-024-6752-xSections...
Top D1 Higher Education Institutions on Social (overall) Epic, heartfelt congrats to the University of South Carolina for beating out their social media rivals University of Iowa to clinch the overall gold! The Gamecocks have been hovering near the top of our overall top 10 for years, but ...
有录网登上泰晤士高等教育Times Higher Education(THE)官方期刊,并在素有“国际教育界奥斯卡盛典”之称的泰晤士高等教育年度颁奖典礼THE Awards 2023,为英国爱尔兰年度最佳商学院颁奖! 一、THE与Uoffer Global官宣达成合作伙伴关系 2023年11月10日,Times Higher Education (THE) 泰晤士高等教育宣布与有录网 (Uoffer Global...