An Annual Gathering The Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) Annual Meeting serves as the rallying point and official gathering for some 200 institutions of biblical higher education in North America. It is the annual occasion where leaders of our movement—presidents, trustees, and other...
As we have been sharing, this year represents the INFINITY SYMBOL of the “8”, which means that the energy of the HIGHER REALMS travels through the spiral of the sideways figure eight so that earth receives an increase in the higher frequency vibration of the Cosmic Light and Love. That m...
As we move closer to the first of the three festivals in the Wesak trilogy of energies, next month is the celebration of the Festival of the Christ during the full moon (March 25th) cycle, that of the state of Resurrection and Rebirth. This current moon cycle in February is helping us ...
The University of California system’s leadershipendorsed the repealafter lawmakers voted for it. Professor Weber told her colleagues she was encouraged to move ahead with the repeal when she encountered white students at the flagship campus in Berkeley who pleaded for more diversity in their ranks....
If those universities that had a change of leadership in 2015-16 or in 2016‑17 are excluded from calculations, average pay remains very similar: £268,291, or £289,259 if pension contributions are also counted. Nevertheless, these exit arrangements for long-standing university leaders ...
What gets excised, however, is what he said just before and just after, as he was answering a question about religion and the impossible standards set by Christ, who said that to look upon a woman with lust is to commit adultery in your heart. He concludes: “This is something God ...
In the dynamic context of higher education, the academic self-realization of a researcher is significant not only for the growth of the dedicated researcher but also for the well-being of the entire academic community. The purpose of this study was to reveal the academic self-realization experien...
In the United States, Leon Botstein (President, Bard College), Carol Christ (Provost and Chancellor-designate, University of California at Berkeley) & Jonathan Cole, Professor and former Provost, Columbia University) hadthis to say in theWashington Post: ...