Given that Ca2+and domain B are both structurally involved in super-dimer formation (Fig.4c,d), we reasoned that those mutations in the Ca2+-binding site first affect the super-dimerization and thereby impair protein maturation. To test this assumption, we evaluated super-dimer formation of the...
Department of Structural Biology, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Frankfurt am Main, Germany Davide Floris & Werner Kühlbrandt Contributions D.F. conceived, designed and executed the project; managed the growth of plant specimens; wet-lab experiments; cryo-EM specimen preparation; cryo-EM data...
Eriophyoid mites - their biology, natural enemies and control. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science; 1996. p. 301–27. Chapter Google Scholar Lindquist EE, Krantz GW, Walter DE. Classification. In: Krantz GW, Walter DE, editors. A Manual of Acarology. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press; 2009. p...
A breakthrough infection was defined according to a positive result in a test detecting SARS-CoV-2 RNA or antigen conducted on a respiratory specimen collected ≥14 days after the second vaccine dose. Demographic information, vaccination status, and respiratory samples for determining the infecting ...
Jenkins DT, Petersen RH (1976) A neotype specimen for Amanita muscaria. Mycologia 68(3):463–469 Article Google Scholar Jiang D, Chen Z, Wang M, Zhang N, Wang Y, Hu M (2016) Case report of DPMAS combined with plasma exchange and CVVH treatment in patients caused by Amanita rimosa...
ACs are features of individual specimen, and are acquired within the specimen’s lifetime. They are products of learning, while the mechanisms responsible for acquiring them are products of evolution (note the stacking of adaptation levels here). To understand the emergence of AC we should ask ...