In 2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 3422–3425 (IEEE, 2016). Davis, T. S. et al. Restoring motor control and sensory feedback in people with upper extremity amputations using arrays of 96 microelectrodes implanted in the ...
Higher education continually seeks new approaches to support students with various learning needs. At present, Finland attempts to provide such support thr
The ecological theory was chosen because it emphasizes the learners' own biology as the fundamental microenvironment that drives progress. The theory emphasizes the quality and context of the student's environment. According to Bronfenbrenner and Morris (1998, 2005), as the learner matures, his or ...
Time series analysis has proven to be a powerful method to characterize several phenomena in biology, neuroscience and economics, and to understand some of their underlying dynamical features. Several methods have been proposed for the analysis of multiv
This paper discusses how the academy can quantify and qualify the impact of social media and mass media work in existing P&T considerations, particularly for departments with faculty in social and applied sciences. We discuss how social media and mass media work can be evaluated within existing ...
We extend past research by exploring this pattern over time, finding that the link between gender and returns to field of study has receded with respect to occupational returns but not for earnings. Thus, our paper shows that it is important to distinguish between earningsreturns and returns in...
作者: DS Willoughby 摘要: Adjunct Graduate Faculty, Department of Applied Medical Science: Molecular Biology andImmunology Research Collaborator, Department of Medical Physiology, College of OsteopathicMedicine, University of The prevention of sports injuries in high school athletes through 年份: 2004 收藏...
Unclassified [#IABV2_LABEL_PURPOSES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_FEATURES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_PARTNERS#] Searchfor Articles: All JournalsAcousticsActa Microbiologica Hellenica (AMH)ActuatorsAdhesivesAdministrative SciencesAdolescentsAdvances in Respiratory Medicine (ARM)AerobiologyAerospaceAgricultureAgriEngineeringAgrochemicalsAg...
In this paper, we introduce the network higher-order structure dismantling problem, building upon connectivity dismantling and specific k-core dismantling, and underscore the importance of completely disrupting all higher-order structures within all branches of a network. Given the diversity and, in ...
, the ideological balance in academic fields didn't matter much because most fields afforded little opportunity for ideologically biased teaching. It didn't matter if a biology professor was a die-hard leftist outside of school because within the four walls of the classroom, he taught biology....