we see two main shortcomings (Additional file1: Fig. S20): (1) earlier time points are not as well divided into different constituent cell types, which limits our ability to detect cell fate specification and cues at earlier stages and (2) certain sub-types are only delineated in the ...
In this article, we present a curricular perspective that can be used to understand students’ focus on assessment in higher education. We propose tha
affordances that are defined with respect to natural law (i.e., rocks that afford throwing) are continuous with those that are defined with respect to convention (i.e., art; cf. Heft,2022; Nonaka,2024; Rodger et al.,2024) in that both sets of affordances lawfully structure ambient energy...
2024, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D: Genomics and Proteomics Citation Excerpt : Thus, to adequately model these systems, analytical tools that can record and interrogate HOIs are required. However, despite the prevalence of complex systems in biology, methods to study HOIs in ‘...
It is a well-studied phenomenon, that throughout the course of studying at university, the motivation for the study program decreases. Correlation between