3. 柱状图(Column Chart)与条形图(Bar Chart)的区别是Chart的type属性不同,一个是column,一个是bar,但使用的数据以及格式设置都一样;将条目2中的Chart的type属性改为column,就可以得到如下效果: 4. 如果Bar Chart需要在同一个category中显示不同状态的结果(StackedBar),数据格式就需要做相应修改: ["Luke Skywa...
Bar Chart Example $(document).ready(function() { var chart = { type: 'bar' }; var title = { text: 'Animals In Delhi ZOO' }; var subtitle = { text: 'Brahma Prakash Shukla' }; var xAxis = { categories: ['Elephant', '...
In the previous chapters, we learned how to setup highcharts library and how to create a chart with required configurations using highcharts library in our webpage. Now, we will learn how to create a basic bar chart using highcharts library with examples. Highcharts Basic Bar Chart Example ...
Basic bar chart Basic column Bar race Stacked and grouped column Column range Variwide Column with negative values Column with drilldown Fixed placement columns Column comparison Stacked column Column with rotated labels Data defined in a HTML table Radial bar chart Stacked bar Stacked percentage colum...
Bar race Stacked and grouped column Column range Variwide Column with negative values Column with drilldown Fixed placement columns Column comparison Stacked column Column with rotated labels Data defined in a HTML table Radial bar chart Stacked bar Stacked percentage column Bar with negative stack For...
转HighCharts笔记之: Bar Chart 最近需要做一些Web图标,研究了几个开源的第三方工具后,最后决定使用HighCharts开发: Highcharts是一个用纯JavaScript编写的一个图表库, 能够很简单便捷的在web网站或是web应用程序添加有交互性的图表,并且免费提供给个人学习、个人网站和非商业用途使用。目前HighCharts支持 的图表类型有...
使用Highcharts $(function () { $('#highchart-container').highcharts({ chart: { type: 'bar' }, title: { text: '我的第一个图表' }, xAxis: { categories: ['苹果', '香蕉', '橙子'] }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'something' } }, series: [{ name: '小明',...
The default color setting is "contrast", which is a pseudo color that Highcharts picks up and applies the maximum contrast to the underlying point item, for example the bar in a bar chart. The textOutline is a pseudo property that applies an outline of the given width with the given ...
Extremely powerful, supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie, scatter, angular gauges, arearange, areasplinerange, columnrange, bubble, box plot, error bars, funnel, waterfall and polar chart types.极其精美而又强大的 Android 数据可视化图表框架,支持柱状图、条形图、折线图、曲线图...