Baubec T, Akalin A. Genome-Wide Analysis of DNA Methylation Patterns by High- Throughput Sequencing. Field Guidelines for Genetic Experimental Designs in High- Throughput Sequencing. 2016. pp. 197-221. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-31350-4_9
Perform a genome-wide analysis of a transcription factor in the Arabidopsis Thaliana (Thale Cress) model organism. Exploring Genome-Wide Differences in DNA Methylation Profiles Perform a genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation in the human by using genome sequencing. Count Features from NGS Reads Ali...
The Illumina Hi-Seq sequencing platform was used to further investigate the genes and lncRNAs involved in floral transition. In the present study, a comprehensive analysis of lncRNAs and mRNAs from EF and normal flowering (NF) varieties during three development periods was performed. A total of 68...
The advent of high-throughput sequencing, coupled with advances in computational methods, has enabled genome-wide dissection of genetics, evolution, and disease, with nucleotide resolution. The discoveries derived from genomics promise benefits to basic research, biotechnology, and medicine; however, the...
(Tn-seq) for accurately determining quantitative genetic interactions on a genome-wide scale in microorganisms. Tn-seq is based on the assembly of a saturated Mariner transposon insertion library. After library selection, changes in frequency of each insertion mutant are determined by sequencing the ...
(FragSeq), a high-throughput RNA structure probing method that uses high-throughput RNA sequencing of fragments generated by digestion with nuclease P1, which specifically cleaves single-stranded nucleic acids. In experiments probing the entire mouse nuclear transcriptome, we accurately and simultaneously...
Genome-wide nucleotide diversity was estimated for 2,392 contigs using a modified theta (θ) parameter, adapted for measuring genetic diversity from polymorphisms detected by randomly sequencing a multi-genotype cDNA pool. Diversity estimates in non-synonymous nucleotides were on...
Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS): MGISEQ-2000 and Illumina NovaSeq 6000 sequencing platforms, for cost-efficient and high-quality sequencing data for a wide range of applications. Long-read sequencing: PacBio third-generation sequencing, for de novo genome assembly, structural variation detection, and...
Wang T, Chen L, Zhao M, Tian Q, Zhang W-H: Identification of drought-responsive microRNAs in Medicago truncatula by genome-wide high-throughput sequencing. BMC Genomics. 2011, 12: 367-10.1186/1471-2164-12-367. Article PubMed Central CAS PubMed Google Scholar Szittya G, Moxon S, Santos...
[8]. Using single-cell 3C of the entire cell nucleus, the entire genome-wide chromatin DNA as targets in space relationships was analysed with high-throughput sequencing technology combined with bioinformatics analysis methods. Each chromosome occupies their own territories [9] where chromatin wa...