...度载载 低于载平衡载多 载流子的载度; 数 大注入 (high-level injection) :载剩载流子的载度 接近或超载载平衡载多 载流子 …www.docin.com|基于1 个网页 2. 高阶注入 ... 259, 272, 274, 283, 333 高阶注入(high-level injection) 高宽比(aspect ratio) 高频(high frequency) 225 91-92, 94...
1) high-level injection 大注入 2) injection amplification 注入放大 3) injection into the atmosphere 排入大气;注入大气 IITA 4) injection into the atmosphere 排入大气; 注入大气 5) Large-angle tilt ion implantation 大倾斜角注入 6) BCI(Bulk Current Injection) ...
Under high-level injection, the transconductance is not proportional to collector current. From the analysis, both the base resistance and the cutoff frequency are functions of terminal voltage, i.e. applied bias, and the maximum oscillation frequency is also a function of terminal voltage. By ...
网络释义 1. 高注入 高场侧注入,High... ... ) high frequency injection 高频注入 )high-injection level高注入) High field side 高场侧注入 ... www.dictall.com|基于2个网页
The variation of the high-level injection knee voltage Vkwith the base width of lateral p-n-p transistors is discussed. A simple model that includes the compensation of the epitaxial layer in the base region is used to explain the changes in the onset of the high-level injection mechanism....
High-Level Current Injection Testing of the SGEMP Test, Analysis and Research Satellite (STARSAT) 来自 IEEEXplore 喜欢 0 阅读量: 54 作者:W Seidler,J Wondra,D Walters,H O'Donnell,J Peden 摘要: Not Available 关键词: Binocular disparity invariant object recognition spatial-frequency analysis ...
北京大学陈志忠教授在《Operation behavior under extremely high injection level for GaN-based micron LED》报告中指出,我们制作不同直径微柱LEDs不同波长和不同的基质。测量了电致发光(EL)谱和电流-电压(I-V)曲线。高饱和电流密度达到300 kA / cm2 20m紫外线导致氮化镓衬底。效率为LEDs下垂也大大提高。采用横...
The open-circuit voltage developed across a Schottky-Barrier (SB) solar cell was theoretically modeled to estimate it under high level injection conditions. An Open-circuit voltage (Voc) of 0.709 V was obtained for specific metal/n-Si SB solar cell. A substantial increase of 42.6 % in Voc ...
Since standard Air Mass 1.5 illumination is sufficient to produce high level injection conditions in such samples, minimal electric fields can be present near the solid/liquid interface. Under these conditions, efficient charge separation relies on establishment of kinetic asymmetries at the back ...
网络释义 1. 高电平逻辑电路 电器电子词汇英语翻译(H-N) ... high level injection 高能级注入high level logic高电平逻辑电路high light 图象中最亮处 ... www.zftrans.com|基于22个网页