Since 2014, integrated R&D efforts have been continued aiming at developing a design concept and high-heat-flux (HHF) technologies for divertor targets of the European DEMO reactor. Recently, the second round (2017–2019) of the R&D program has been concluded. As in the first R&D round, ...
The characterization of brazed joints showed the viability of the brazing process, which gave rise to high strength joints with a low distortion of the base material properties [9]. High heat flux (HHF) tests have been widely used to simulate the most relevant conditions (thermal loads) ...
The high-heat flux testing facility using Plasma Arc Lamps was demonstrated at ORNL for W samples during a visit of the Japanese delegation of a PHENIX planning workshop. The second generation test section, which was designed by taking into account safety and materials compatibility requirements in...
Particular interests in this work include obtaining heat fluxes near the critical heat flux (CHF), understanding the correlation between the heat dissipation efficiency (η) and the liquid film thickness (δ) through experimental data, and understanding the primary mode of heat transfer on spray ...
Article Heat Pipe-Based DEMO Divertor Target Concept: High Heat Flux Performance Evaluation Wen Wen 1,* , Bradut-Eugen Ghidersa 1 , Wolfgang Hering 1 , Jörg Starflinger 2 and Robert Stieglitz 1 1 Institute for Neutron Physics and Reactor Technology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 76344 ...
High Heat Flux Applications in Power ElectronicsLeslie, Scott G
In this paper, results of high-heat flux and plasma tests of tungsten mock-ups with steady-state plasma in the PLM plasma device are presented. 2. The PLM device and e-beam facility The PLM device [18], Fig. 1a, is a linear plasma trap of an 8-pole multicusp magnetic field with ...
Two curved tungsten monoblock type test mock-ups successfully sustained absorbed heat flux up to 14 MW m−2with thermal cycles of 30 s ON and 30 s OFF duration. Transient high heat flux tests or thermal shock tests were carried ... Y Patil,SS Khirwadkar,S Belsare,... - 《Physica Sc...
High heat flux testNon destructive examinationThe Faraday Screen (FS) is the plasma facing component of ITER ion cyclotron heating antennas shielding. The requirement for the high heat exhaust, and the limitation of the temperatures to minimize strain and thus offer sufficient resistance to fatigue,...
This paper presents the results of high heat flux tests at Sandia National Laboratories of mock-ups armored with W rods embedded in water-cooled copper-alloy heat sinks. The major result is the excellent performance of these mock-ups in thermal response tests at up to 30 MW/m 2 and in th...