high fructose corn syrup 英[hai ˈfrʌktəus kɔ:n ˈsirəp] 美[haɪ ˈfrʌkˌtos kɔrn ˈsɪrəp] 释义 [化] 果葡糖浆 实用场景例句 全部 The moisture loss ( % ML ) increased with increasing osmotic dehydrating temperature in 70± lBrixhigh fructose corn ...
High-fructose corn syrup. (高果糖玉米糖浆) Artificial flavors an d colors. What do these things have in common? They are foun d in many (21)prucessedprocess) foods. But the clean label movement wants to kick them out of your grocery store! Clean label is a consumer-powere d movement...
解析 high-fructose corn syrup [医]高果糖谷物糖浆 [例句]Dr. grove and researchers at some other centers say the high-fructose corn syrup appears to accelerate the development of obesity and diabetes. 格罗夫博士和来自其它中心的研究者们说高果糖含量的玉米糖浆看来似乎加速了肥胖和糖尿病的发生....
将“high fructose corn syrup"翻译成中文 高果糖玉米糖浆, 异构糖, 高果糖浆是“high fructose corn syrup"到 中文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:So are high-fructose corn syrup, fruit juice, raw sugar, and honey. ↔ 果糖含量很高的玉米糖浆、 果汁、 粗糖, 还有蜂蜜也是一样的。
"When rats are drinking high-fructose corn syrup at levels well below those in soda pop, they're becoming obese - every single one, across the board. Even when rats are fed a high-fat diet, you don't see this; they don't all gain extra weight." Whilst this study has been attacked...
果葡糖浆的危害 | 果葡糖浆(High Fructose Corn Syrup, HFCS)是一种常见的甜味剂,由于其生产成本低,因此广泛用于软饮料、糖果、烘焙食品和加工食品中。然而,随着人们对健康越来越关注,果葡糖浆的危害也逐渐受到关注。下面列出了果葡糖浆潜在的一些危害:
果葡糖聚 果葡糖浆又称高果糖浆(high fructose corn syrup ),素有天然蜂蜜之称,以酶法糖化淀粉所得糖化液经葡萄糖异构酶作用,将部分葡萄糖异构成果糖
中文翻译 Misconceptions about High-Fructose Corn Syrup… 关于高果糖玉米糖浆的误解:作为活性羰基化合物和晚期糖基化终产物的它具有引起肥胖的独特性质? John S. White 文摘 在科学文献中误解高果糖玉米糖浆(HFCS)的文章比比皆是,因此卫生专业人员建议他们的病人不要因为媒体报道和产品广告而做出不理性的消费行为。在...
high fructose corn syrup 英 [haɪ ˈfrʌktəʊs kɔːn ˈsɪrəp] 美 [haɪ ˈfrʌktoʊs kɔːrn ˈsɪrəp]网络 高果糖浆; 高果糖玉米糖浆; 果葡糖浆; 食品...
acid, sweets and beverages sweetenedwithhigh-fructosecornsyrup, such as soft drinks or juice drinks, should [...] shanghai.ufh.com.cn shanghai.ufh.com.cn 由于果糖会刺激尿酸的生成,因此,应当禁止食用加入高果糖浆的糖果和饮料,比如软饮料或果汁。