Swiss core, 2.4 - inch high - definition screen, the band ring for, the card. 瑞芯微方案, 2.4寸 高清晰 屏, 带外响, 可插卡. 互联网 Keyword : The digital television; high definition; The television line ( TVL ). 数字电视; 清晰度; 电视线 ( TVL ). ...
The Blu-raydiscformatallows high-capacityoptical-discstoragetobeused forsuchtechnologiesas high-definitiontelevisions. 在蓝光磁盘格式下,高容量光盘存储技术还可以用于高清晰电视等领域。 9. LGElectronicssaidthenewhigh-definitiondiscplayerwillbeunveiledatnext week'sConsumerElectronicsShowinLas Vega...
high definition a. 非常鲜明的 definition n. 1. 定义,释义;(尤指词典里的词或短语的)释义,解释 2. 清晰(度),鲜明(度) 3. 清楚的说明;轮廓 4. 解释,阐明;下定义 5. 规定,限定,确定,限界,界定; high adj. 1. 高的 2. 有某高度的 3.(离地面)很高的;海拔很高的 4.(数量、质量、体积或程度...
high-definition是什么意思 adj.非常鲜明的 high-definition英英释义 adjective being or relating to an often digital television system that has either 720 or 1080 scan lines per frame and a wide-screen format high-definition词源英文解释 The first known use of high-definition was in 1981 ...
The meaning of HIGH-DEFINITION is being or relating to an often digital television system that has either 720 or 1080 scan lines per frame and a wide-screen format. How to use high-definition in a sentence.
high-definition [ˌhaɪdefɪˈnɪʃən]ADJ[television, video] →de altadefinición see alsohighD Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003...
The high definition TVs are the bread-and-butter products of the company. 高清晰度彩电是本公司的强项产品。 Blu-ray and HD DVD are both designed for use with high definition televisions. 蓝光影碟机和高清数字影碟机都是为高清晰度电视设计的。
sky-high waist-high c : situated or passing above the normal level, surface, base of measurement, or elevation the high desert 2 a(1) : advanced toward the acme or culmination high summer (2) : advanced toward the most active or culminating period on the Riviera during high season...
4月21日,全球首套高精度月球地质图集正式发布。图集包括《1:250万月球全月地质图集》和《1:250万月球分幅地质图集》(中英文版,含说明书)。On April 21st, China released a geologic atlas set of the global moon with a scale of 1:2.5 million, which is the first complete high-definition lunar ...
解码High-Definition音频 相关主题 在Windows Media Audio 编解码器的上下文中,高清晰度音频是具有两个以上通道或每个样本超过 16 位的任何音频类型。 Windows Media Audio Encoder 的“专业”和“无损”类别支持高清晰度音频。未压缩的高清晰度音频类型是使用 WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE 结构定义的。 WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE 是...